
The 2023 Practice of real situations with live supervision course – Supervised Practice – will be coordinated by MEDIARE in partnership with CONSENSO, including agreements with the Rio de Janeiro Public Defender's Office and the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice. It will take place online or in person, preserving the MEDIARE methodology and relying on the operational and financial management of CONSENSO.


There is a worldwide understanding that the practice of real situations with live supervision should integrate the training programs for mediators. MEDIARE follows this premise and offers supervised practice teams on an ongoing basis.

Entry into this training segment can only take place after completing the theoretical course, but not necessarily in its sequence, and there may be a lapse of time between the end of theory and the beginning of practice.

Agreements with public institutions and non-governmental bodies enable the supervised practice of students in training, which takes place with on-site or online supervision. Each supervisor works with a limited group of up to three students and provides them with individualized attention.

MEDIARE does not condition certification as a mediator to the exclusive completion of the workload in supervised practice (100h) but, especially and including, to the improvement and acquisition of skills, expressed in a spreadsheet distributed to students at the beginning of practice and visited by the supervisor/and supervisee, at the end of each case.

At each service session, a report will be requested that will follow the guidance of the supervisor, receive their comments and will be shared with the rest of the team, also maintaining in the Supervised Practice, the teaching methodology based on the collective intelligence – the conversation that includes other mental maps, on a certain topic, expands your learning exponentially.


Occurs fortnightly and lasts approximately one and a half to two years – 6h/month (three hours for each service) – the Supervised Practice is carried out in comedy (whenever possible with multidisciplinary pairs) and brings together guidelines for action shared with each professional-student before their enrollment, through their own Handout, distributed and made available virtually, with a view to enabling adherence to the premises proposals.

If there is interest in carrying out the Supervised Practice in a shorter period of time, two cases may be treated simultaneously, according to the availability of cases by the associated entities and teams, preferably taking place in different institutions and with different supervisors, enriching the apprenticeship.


Attorney. Specialist in Family Mediation and Family Businesses. Mediator at Câmara do Mediare, Senior Mediator at TJ/RJ and Extrajudicial Mediator at Co.Labore Mediação.
LL.M in US Law, Master in ADR, Mediation and Family Law from St. Thomas University School of Law/MN. Mediator with the TJ/RJ (Cejusc) and the Institutional Chamber of the OAB/RJ. Mediation Supervisor for MEDIARE at the DP and MP in RJ. Author of the books “Mediation and Collaborative Practices in Parental Alienation” and “Moral Damage by Affective Abandonment”, Ed. Legal Space - 2019 and 2015.
Lawyer and specialist in Civil Procedure, trained in Collaborative Practices, Mediator formed by MEDIARE and TJRJ. Certified in Restorative Justice, Circular Processes and Nonviolent Communication. Member of the OAB/RJ Mediation Commission, Mediator hired by the Public Defender's Office.
Psychologist, specializing in Family and Couple Systemic Psychotherapy. MEDIARE Mediator and Supervisor. Lecturer in postgraduate courses in Conflict Mediation and Family Therapy at AVM – Cândido Mendes University. Lecturer in Postgraduate Studies in Conflict Mediation at the Catholic University of Petrópolis. Senior Mediator of TJRJ. Former Coordinator, Mediator and Supervisor of the OAB-RJ Mediation Commission. Member of the creative team and coordinator of the parenting workshops “Escola de Família” and “Bem me Quer” at TJRJ. Lecturer at numerous institutions. mother and grandmother
Conflict Mediator, qualified by MEDIARE and theoretically trained by Harvard Law School; CNV facilitator; Lawyer, graduated from UERJ; postgraduate from FGV/RJ
Graduated in Law. Graduate and Master in Business Administration and Development. Full training in Conflict Mediation by Mediare. Mediator of the MEDIARE Chamber, the Brazilian Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CBMA), the Chamber of the Foreign Trade Association of Brazil – CAAEB, the FGV-RIO Chamber, the Ethics and Discipline Court and the Private Chamber of the OAB/RJ and the CEJUSC of the Judicial District of Capital RJ – Business, Civil and Family Courts. Experience in business management, services marketing, and judicial and private mediation. Lecturer and consultant in conflict prevention and resolution.
Psychologist, family and couple therapist. Certified by MEDIARE (1998) and TJRJ. Training in Collaborative Practices with families. In particular, she is dedicated to Family, School and Community Mediation.


  • Improve and acquire skills to act as a mediator or as an impartial third party in facilitating dialogues.

  • Identify a personal acting style and improve it.

  • Experiencing, in the protected space of supervision, the stages of the Mediation process, its procedures and impasses.

  • Improve skills for working in pairs (preferably interdisciplinary) and in teams.

  • Articulate a theoretical basis relevant to each type of case attended.

  • Promote case studies and identify the possibility of generalization of learning.

  • Train yourself as a conflict mediator.

  • Estimated duration time:
    Occurs fortnightly and lasts approximately one and a half to two years – 6h/month (three hours for each service)

  • Timetable:
    Variable, according to location and staff available

  • Location:
    When carried out in person, it takes place at the associated public institutions (Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro and Public Defender of the State of Rio de Janeiro), according to the origin of the referral.

  • Market:
    BRL 150,00 (one hundred and fifty reais) per hour of supervision - only the hourly workload in the field is considered and not the online workload dedicated to reports and remote dialogue with supervisors/ at.

  • Registration:
    or 21 98800-2900
