
blank O Supervised Practice Course – real situations with live supervision – Conducted by MEDIARE for 25 years, as of January 2023, it gains the partnership of CONSENSO, an entity also dedicated to dialogue processes, maintaining agreements with the Public Defender’s Office of Rio de Janeiro and the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro.

The course meets the premise that training programs for mediators should include, after the theoretical segment, a practical phase with supervision. In the MEDIARE-CONSENSO Partnership, student care is individualized – one supervisor assists three students per team, follows the MEDIARE methodology already published in a teaching publication – works with the improvement of skills detailed in a monitoring worksheet, as well as reports , at each service. The Program promotes continuous interaction in the teams due to the mediation service and the exchange of reports, meeting the premises of Pierre Levy's Collective Intelligence proposal – learning that includes the voices of other mind sets in discussions and reflections expands exponentially.