We still have availability for the Improvement Course at Instituto MEDIARE Brasil with Lia Bevilaqua, neuroscientist, co-director of the Laboratory for the Study of Memory at the Instituto do Cérebro at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and a degree in Law.

(I.e.When deciding, we must choose a course of action among different possible options taking into account the relative value of their consequences. This complex capability depends on encoding the causal relationships between actions and their results.

But what happens in our brains when we're deciding?

This course will explore how the information provided by neuroscience contributes to a better understanding of the neurobiological processes involved in decision making.

???? June 11 (14pm to 20pm) and June 12 (09am to 15pm).

More information and registration: courses@mediare.com.br or www.mediare.com.br in the Training and Courses menu.